Tips for TOEIC Listening 多益聽力秘笈
I am teaching TOEIC listening, the skills needed and how you can achieve your best in the examination.
Some tips for TOEIC listening:
- keep a vocabulary journal
- keep adding new vocabulary and
- keep it with you all the time!
“ It's better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared. ”
Young Jr., Whitney
99年免費講座: 10/27→「TOEIC多益」講座, 10/28→ 「文法專修」講座, 10/30→「字彙閱讀」講座, 11/2→ 「自然發音」 講座, 11/5→「生活會話」講座。 詳細內容上官網查詢: 專業培訓實力養成與證照教學,雙管齊下打造個人價值: 累積平時實力:養成學員多說、多閱讀的平時習慣,遇到外籍人式自然坦坦而談。 穩固紮實學習:扎實的基礎英文及敏銳的考試技巧,才能在考場上釋放最大能量。 TOEIC、GEPT、IELTS【從這刻開始,創造個人價值。】 費勒思英語 0800-880,615(幫幫您,溜英文) 台中市南屯區大進街490號B1