現代人生活不可或缺的用品之一應該就是mobile phone (手機, =cell phone)吧? 這次我們就來學一些實用的手機英文!
首先我們來看一下常見的styles (款式):
1. bar phones 直立式手機
2. flip phones 掀蓋式手機
3. slider phones 滑蓋式手機
4. swivel phones 旋轉式手機
5. smartphones 智慧型手機
ð Flip phones are becoming less popular as smartphones rise in popularity.
ð Has anyone ever used a swivel phone?
再來當然還有很重要的features (特色):
1. bluetooth enabled 支援藍芽
2. calendar 日曆
3. HD camera 高畫質相機
4. GPS 衛星導航系統
5. strong signal reception 收訊強
6. photo album 相簿
7. polyphonic ringtones 和弦鈴聲
8. text messaging 簡訊
9. touch screen 觸控式螢幕
10. speakerphone擴音
ð To use the speakerphone, please press Speaker.
ð Chunghwa Telecom sometimes offers free text messaging.
ð This phone is bluetooth enabled, so it’s very easy to transfer or receive information.
So, what kind of phone do you use? Which features do you think are important? 最後同學可以想看看”你是用哪一種手機?”還有”你覺得手機哪些特色很重要呢?”
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